Kimberly Kline

Кімберлі Кляйн

klineka [at]

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Research Interests
Psychological and social well being, social justice issues, student learning outcomes/assessment, graduate student socialization experiences, student development theory and professional development.

Teaching Interests
Social justice issues, student learning outcomes, assessment/evaluation, professional preparation/development, social/philosophical foundations, multiculturalism, research methods, counseling and student development theory.

Teaching Experience
August 2009—present Associate Professor, Higher Education Administration Department, SUNY College at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York
August 2007—August 2009 Assistant Professor, Higher Education Administration Department, SUNY College at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York
October 2005—August 2007 Director, Institutional Research and Planning, Associate Professor of Social Sciences, Hilbert College, Hamburg, New York
January 2001—June 2002 Participant, IUPUI Preparing Future Faculty Program, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Research Experience
July 2003—October 2005 Research Fellow, Center of Inquiry in the Liberal Arts Wabash College. Crawfordsville, Indiana
2001—2003 Dissertation Research: The Use of Action Theories, Social Justice Issues and Reflection in a Student Affairs Master’s Course
2000—2001 Researcher, Department of Higher Education and Student Affairs Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
May 2000—July 2001 Research Associate, Office of the Vice Chancellor For Planning and Institutional Improvement, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis

Courses Taught
Research Methods in Higher Education, Instructor, Spring 2008—Present
Assessment, Tests and Measurement, Instructor, Fall 2007—Present
Moral Reasoning in Higher Education, Instructor, Spring 2009; Spring 2011; Spring 2012
Counseling II Theory, Instructor, Fall 2007; Spring 2008; Fall 2008
Applied Statistics with Project, Co-Instructor, Spring 2007
Research Methods in the Social Sciences, Instructor, Fall 2006
Professional Education and Development in Student Affairs, Co-Instructor, Spring 2002
Professional Education and Development, Co-Instructor, Fall 2000
Assessing the Effectiveness of Courses, Programs, and Institutions, Teaching Assistant, Summer, 2001
Leadership Development Honors Course, Instructor, Fall 1997; Spring 1998
Facilitation Styles and Techniques, Instructor, Fall, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997

• Fulbright Scholar, National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA). Student Learning and Developmental Outcomes Assessment in Ukraine: Exploring Grass Roots Efforts and Collaborative Dialogue, 2012-2013 Grantee.
• Race and Gender Intergroup Dialogue: Examining the Pedagogical, Psychological and Communicative Processes That Influence Student Learning and Development. Faculty Student Association Founders Fund Grant, 2010. (1,950.00)
• CDHS Foster Care Trainer Development within an Online Interactive Environment: Strategies for Pre-Assessing Foster Care Trainee Needs, Part II, 2009 (1,600.00)
• Foster Care Trainer Development within an Online Interactive Environment: Strategies for Pre Assessing Foster Care Trainee Needs in New York State. Center for the Development of Human Services, 2009 (2,000.00).
• A Conversation on Assessment in Higher Education and Student Affairs at Buffalo State. Faculty Student Association Founders Fund Grant, 2009 (2,150.00)
• The Impact of Using Reflection, Action Theories and Social Justice Issues in a Graduate Course: Five Years Later – Incentive Research Grant – Buffalo State Research Foundation, 2008 (6,500.00)

2010 United University Professions Professional Development Award Reflection, action theories, and social justice issues in a student affairs master’s course: Long-term effects of a case study intervention (700.00)
2010 Buffalo State College Provost’s Incentive Award Generation O Students: How an Undergraduate Student Culture Influences Student Learning Outcomes (1,200.00)
2010 Buffalo State Outstanding Faculty Award


Books Under Contract
• Kline, K. (under review). Reflection in action: A guidebook for faculty and student affairs professionals. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
• Moore Gardner, M., Kline, K. & Bresciani, M. (under review). Assessing student learning in community college student support and academic services. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

Book Chapters:
• Livingston, V., Phillips, D. & Kline, K. Selecting a Method. (Under review). In M. Moore Gardner, K. A. Kline, & M. Bresciani (Eds.), Assessing Student Learning in Community College Student Support and Academic Services. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.
• Battison, J., Kline, K. A., & Piper, B. T. Analyzing and Interpreting Results in Community College Assessment. (Under review). In M. Moore Gardner, K. A. Kline, & M. Bresciani (Eds.), Assessing Student Learning in Community College Student Support and Academic Services. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.•
• Black, K. & Kline, K. (2002). Program review: A spectrum of perspectives and practices. In T. W. Banta (Ed.), The scholarship of assessment. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
• St. John, E., Kline, K., & Asker, E. (2001). The call for public accountability: Rethinking the linkages to student outcomes. In D. Heller (Ed.), The states and public higher education policy: Affordability, access, and accountability. Baltimore: Johns-Hopkins Press.

Book Reviews
• Kline, K. (2008). Book review of Diversity across the curriculum: A guide for faculty in higher education. The Review of Higher Education.

Other Publications
• Kline, K. Developing Practical Experience in Student Affairs. Readings on Equal Education. Volume 28: Supporting graduate students in the 21st Century: Implications for policy and practice. AMS Press, Inc.: New York. (Will be under review in May, 2013).
• Kline, K. (2007) Professional development in student affairs: From learning about diversity to building just communities. Readings on Equal Education. Volume 22: Confronting educational inequality: Reframing, building understanding, and making change. AMS Press, Inc.: New York.
• Kline, K. and others (2006). How should journalists measure learning outcomes? A roundtable discussion. In G. Maeroff (ed.). Beyond the rankings: Measuring learning in higher education. The Hechinger Institute on Education and the Media, Teachers College, Columbia University.
• Kline, K. & Blaich, C. (2004). A new tool for liberal arts assessment. Liberal Arts Online 4 (8) September.
• Banta, T., Black, K., & Kline, K. (2001). Evidence for and against Problem-Based Learning. PBL Insight Volume 3, 3. Birmingham, AL: Samford University.
• Banta, T., Black, K., & Kline, K. (2001). The challenge to assess outcomes in student affairs. Net Results, August 28, 2001. NASPA on-line magazine.

Manuscripts Under Development
• Kline, K, Internicola, J., Moore Gardner, M., MacDonald, J. & Coleman, M. R. Exploring connections between Generation O students and assessing student learning outcomes. Submitting January, 2013.
• Felder, P., St. John, E. P., Moore, T. L., Kline, K. A., Gentry, D. Professional Learning in Graduate Programs: Implications for Teaching and Practice. Submitting February, 2013.

Editorial Boards
Research & Practice in Assessment, Assistant Editor, December 2012 – present.
Research & Practice in Assessment, Editorial Board Member, February, 2012 – present.
CSPA-NYS Journal, Editorial Board Member, July, 2011 – present.

Administrative Experience
July 2001—July 2002 Academic Support Coordinator, Forest Academic Support Center, Residential Programs and Services, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
July 1998—May 2000 Assistant Coordinator, Forest Residence Center Residential Programs and Services, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
Summer 1999 Dean of Residence Life Center for Talented Youth, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
July 1994—July 1998 Assistant Director of Student Activities/Greek Advisor, Office of Student Activities, State University of New York College at Brockport, Brockport, New York
June 1993—July 1994 Manager-Student Union I, Office of University Unions and Student Activities, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia
July 1991—July 1993 Graduate Assistant, Operations Manager/Program Advisor, Office of Student Activities/Student Union, State University of New York College at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York
July 1991—July 1998 Facilitator, Creativentures, Buffalo, New York
May 1989—November 1990 Regional Manager, Office of Appraisal Services, Lenders Service, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Professional Associations
Association for the Study of Higher Education
Association of College Personnel Administrators
American Educational Research Association
Association for Institutional Research
Association of College Unions/International (ACUI)
Genesee District Coordinator ~ ACUI (1996-1998)
Northeast Association for Institutional Research
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators
National Conference Planning Committee – 2000
College Student Personnel Administrators-New York State (CSPA-NYS)

Lon Kaufmann


Lkdigdesign [at]


Twenty-one year’s experience as a university educator with management skills as program coordinator and department chairman. Adept at successful grant writing, goal setting, and problem-solving in new and cross cultural environments with strong skills in visual, oral, and written communication. Work and travel experience in the Middle East, and Eastern and Western Europe.

1991–1992 Architectural Design Consultant-Draftsman, John Roffman Construction and Lepic-Kroeger Realtors, Iowa City, IA.
1992–2002 Associate Professor of Design, Taylor University, Upland, IN.
2002–2004 Fulbright Scholar and Professor of Computer Graphics in Ukraine, National Academy of Art and Architecture, European University, and Wisconsin International
University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
2005–2006 Professor of Design Online Education, Art Institute of Pittsburgh/Art Institute Online, Cleveland, Ohio.
2006–2008 Assistant Dean and Associate Professor of Computer Graphics, New York Institute of Technology, Amman, Jordan.
2008–2011 Assistant Dean and Associate Professor of Computer Graphics, New York Institute of Technology, Adliya, Kingdom of Bahrain. 
2011–2012 Fulbright Scholar and Professor of Computer Graphics in Ukraine, National Technical University of Ukraine, ‘Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’, Kyiv, Ukraine.

BA, Art, Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, WA.
MA, Art History, Thesis: Ebenezer Howard and the Garden City Plan; Pre-Modern Roots to Post-Modern Critical Regionalism, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
MFA, Design, Thesis: The Design of a Design Process; Implementing Critical Regionalism, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.

Courses Instructed
Computer Graphics I – Digital Imaging
Computer Graphics I – Print Design
Computer Graphics I – Web Design
Web Design and E-Commerce
Web Design for Social Media
Digital Photography
Photography; B&W, Color Film-Based
Sculpture; Wood, Metal, Cast
Printmaking; Intaglio, Litho, Lino, Mono
Ceramics: Handbuilt, Wheel, Raku
Contemporary Art Issues
Wordpress Western Art History I – III
Asian Art History Survey
Senior Thesis Seminar I & II

Photographic Skills
B&W, color chemical darkroom process. 35mm, 6x6, 4x5 formats, pinhole to field camera. Digital camera and Photoshop manipulation techniques; scanner, inkjet and hi-resolution plotter printer. Studio lighting; hot lights and strobes, copy stand.  Alternate processes; gum bi-chromate, ‘painting with light’.

2005–present Fulbright Association
1991–present College Art Association (CAA)
2008–present American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA)

Fly-fishing and fly tying, backpacking, sea kayaking, cross-country skiing, testing trading strategies for the Forex currency and stock markets.

Tamara Martsenyuk

Tamara Martsenyuk Ph.D., UKMA Alum


tarakuta [at]

Volodymyr Kulyk

Володимир КуликPhD, Associate Professor

[email protected]


2010 D.Sc. in political science, Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

1999 – C.Sc. (Ph.D.) in political science, Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

1987 – Diploma cum laude, Kyiv Shevchenko University, Department of Physics


2010–present – Leading research fellow, Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

2010–present – Adjunct Professor, School of Journalism, University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

2011 – Adjunct Professor, SIPA, Columbia University

2006 – Visiting Lecturer, Department of Political Science, Stanford University

2002 – Adjunct Assistant Professor, SIPA, Columbia University

2001–2010 – Senior research fellow, Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

1999–2001 – Research fellow (ext.), Centre for OSCE Research, Institute of Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg

1997–2001 – Research fellow, Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

1997 – Expert, Centre for Political Analysis, Den’ (Ukrainian quality daily

1996–1997 – Deputy editor-in-chief, Den’ (Ukrainian quality daily)

1995–1996 – Researcher, Pylyp Orlyk Institute for Democracy

1994–1995 – Head of political department, UNIAN Information Agency

1992–1995 – Editor of political section, Suchasnist (Ukrainian intellectual monthly)

1988–1993 – Junior research fellow, Institute of Theoretical Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Member of the editorial board, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Krytyka

Anonymous referee, Ab Imperio, Canadian Slavonic Papers, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Slovo


2009–2010 – Research fellowship, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Berlin

2008–2009 – Woodrow Wilson Center Fellowship, Washington, D.C.

2005 – Fulbright Program grant, Stanford University

2004 – British Academy Visiting Professorship, University College London

2001–2002 – Shklar Fellowhip, Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University

1999 – John Kolasky Memorial Fellowship, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta

1998 – Research grant from Kowalsky Endowment Fund, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta

1993 – Volkswagen Fellowship, J.-W. Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main



Dyskurs ukrains’kykh medii: identychnosti, ideolohii, vladni stosunku [The Ukrainian Media Discourse: Identities, Ideologies, Power Relations], Kyiv: Krytyka, 2010.

Revisiting a Success Story: Implementation of the Recommendations of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities to Ukraine, 1994-2000, Hamburg, Centre for the OSCE Research, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg, 2002.

Ukrains’kyi natsionalism u nezalezhnii Ukraini [Ukrainian Nationalism in Independent Ukraine], Kyiv, Tsentr doslidzhen’ natsional’noi bezpeky pry natsional’nomu universyteti ‘Kyievo-Mohylians’ka Akademiia’, 1999.

Edited volumes

Languages and Language Ideologies in Ukraine, special issue of the International Journal of the Sociology of Language [no. 201], Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2010.

Dialohy na mezhi stolit’: Stenohramy mizhdyszyplinarnykh seminariv imeni Ivana Lysiaka-Rudnyts’koho, Kyiv, 1996-2000 rr. [Dialogs at the Turn of Centuries: Stenographs of the Ivan L. Rudnytsky Interdisciplinary Seminars, Kyiv, 1996-2000], Kyiv, Dukh i Litera, 2003 (with Leonid Finberg).

Stanovlennia vladnykh struktur v Ukraini: 1991-1996 [Formation of the Branches of Power in Ukraine: 1991-1996], Kyiv: Tsentr politychnoho analizu hazety ‘Den’, 1997 (with Olexiy Haran and Oleksandr Mayboroda).

Articles and book chapters in English

“Language policy in the Ukrainian media: authorities, producers, consumers”, Europe-Asia Studies (forthcoming).

“What is Russian in Ukraine? Popular beliefs regarding the social roles of the language”, in Lara Ryazanova-Clarke (ed.), The Russian Language Outside the Nation: Speakers and Identities, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press (forthcoming).

“Beliefs about language status and corpus in focus group discussions on the Ukrainian language policy”, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, no. 212, 2011, pp. 69-89.

“The media, history and identity: competing narratives of the past in the Ukrainian popular press”, National Identities, vol. 13, no. 3, 2011, pp. 287-303.

“Language identity, linguistic diversity, and political cleavages: evidence from Ukraine”, Nations and Nationalism, vol. 17, no. 3, 2011, pp. 627-648.

“Quiet de-escalation: Van der Stoel in Ukraine”, Security and Human Rights, vol. 22, no. 3, 2011, pp. 271-278.

“The language issue in the Ukrainian national-democratic discourse”, in Jerzy Maćków (ed.), Nationale Demokratie in der Ukraine [National democracy in Ukraine] (Argumente und Materialien zum Zeitgeschehen, no. 75), 2011, pp. 15-22.

“Ideologies of language use in post-Soviet Ukrainian media”, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, no. 201, 2010, pp. 79-104.

“Language policies and language attitudes in post-Orange Ukraine”, in Juliane Besters-Dilger (ed.), Language Policy and Language Situation in Ukraine: Analysis and Recommendations, Frankfurt et al.: Peter Lang, 2009, pp. 15-55.

“Nationalism in Ukraine, 1986-1996”, in Egbert Jahn (ed.), Nationalism in Late and Post-Communist Europe, vol. 2, Nationalism in the Nation States, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2009, pp. 99-122 [collection simultaneously issued in German by the same publisher].

“The demography of language practices and attitudes in Ukraine”, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, vol. 29, no 1-4, 2007, pp. 295-326.

“Constructing common sense: language and ethnicity in Ukrainian public discourse”, Ethnic and Racial Studies, vol. 29, no. 2, 2006, pp. 281-314.

“Normalisation of ambiguity: Policies and discourses on language issues in post-Soviet Ukraine”, in Barbara Törnquist-Plewa (ed): History, Language and Society in the Borderlands of Europe. Ukraine and Belarus in Focus, Malmö: Sekel Bokförlag, 2006, pp. 117-140.

“The Role of Discourse in the Construction of an Émigré Community: Ukrainian Displaced Persons in Germany and Austria after World War II”, in Rainer Ohliger, Karen Schönwälder, Triadafilos Triadophilopoulos (eds.), European Encounters: Migrants, Migration and European Society since 1945, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003, pp. 213-237.

“Politics of Ethnicity in Post-Soviet Ukraine: Beyond Brubaker”, Journal of Ukrainian Studies, vol. 27, no. 1-2, 2001, pp. 197-221.

“The Search for Post-Soviet Identity in Ukraine and Russia and its Influence on the Relations between the Two States”, The Harriman Review, vol. 9, no. 1-2, 1996, pp. 16-27.

Articles, book chapters and review essays in Ukrainian, Russian, French, German and Polish

“Pohliady hromadian Ukraїny na sut’ i sposoby rozv’iazannia movnoї problemy” [Ukrainian citizens’ views of the substance of the language problem and ways to resolve it], Naukovi zapysky Instytuty politychnykh i etnonatsional’nykh doslidzhen im. I.F. Kurasa NAN Ukraїny [Transactions of the Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, Kyiv], no. 55, Kyiv 2011, pp. 5-30.

“Iazykovye praltiki i predstavleniia grazhdan Ukrainy: sotsial’no-demograficheskii aspect” [Language practices and attitudes of Ukrainian citizens: The socio-demographic aspect], Vestnik obshchestvennogo mneniia, no. 3, 2011, pp. 82-92.

“Po toi bik liubovi: uiavlennia hromadian pro korpus i status ukraїnskoї movy” [Beyond love: citizens’ beliefs regarding the corpus and the status of the Ukrainian language], in Olia Hnatiuk and Leonid Finberg (eds.), Obriї osobystosti. Knyha na poshanu Ivana Dziuby [Horizons of personality. Festschrift for Ivan Dziuba], Kyiv: Dukh i litera, 2011, pp. 373-386.

“Rol’ ukraїns’kykh mas-medii u tvorenni natsional’noho istorychnoho naratyvu” [The role of the Ukrainian mass media in the creation of the national historical narrative], in Yurii Shapoval (ed.), Etnopolitychna kul’tura v Ukraїni: realiї ta vyklyky chasu [Ethnopolitical culture in Ukraine: realities and challenges of the time], Kyiv: Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2010, pp. 170-186.

“Rodnoi iazyk i iazyk obshcheniia: na chto dolzhna orientirovat’sia iazykovaia politika” [Native language and language of communication: What should language policy be guided by?], Vestnik obshchestvennogo mneniia, no. 3, 2010, pp. 75-86.

“Oznachuval’ni ramky v novynnykh tekstakh ukraїns’kykh mas-medii” [Interpretative frames in news texts of the Ukrainian mass media]. Naukovi zapysky Instytuty politychnykh i etnonatsional’nykh doslidzhen im. I.F. Kurasa NAN Ukraїny [Transactions of the Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, Kyiv], no. 3, 2010, 326-340.

“Orthographe et identité: le rôle des médias dans l’échec de la réforme orthographique de l’ukrainien de 2001” [Orthography and identity: the role of the media in the failure of the Ukrainian orthography reform in 2001], in Juliete Cadiot, Dominique Arel and Larissa Zakharova (eds.), Cacophonies d’empire” Le gouvernement des langues dans l’Empire russe et l’Union soviétique [Cacophonies of the empire: The government of languages in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union], Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2010, pp. 257-277.

„Orfografiia, iazyk, identichnost“ [Orthography, language, identity], Neprikosnovennyi zapas, no. 3, 2010, pp. 213-232.

“Gerspaltene Zungen: Sprache und Sprachenpolitk in der Ukraine” [Split Tongues: Language and Language Politics in Ukraine], Osteuropa, vol. 60, no. 2-4, 2010, pp. 391-402.

“Polityka ukraїns’koї vlady shchodo mas-medii ta її vplyv na mediinyi dyskurs” [The media policy of the Ukrainian authorities and its impact on the media discourse]. Naukovi zapysky Instytuty politychnykh i etnonatsional’nykh doslidzhen im. I.F. Kurasa NAN Ukraїny [Transactions of the Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, Kyiv], no. 1, 2010, pp. 288-302.

“Rol’ mediinoho dyskursu v tvorenni natsional’noï identychnosty” [The role of media discourse in the construction of national identity], Ukraïna moderna, no. 4, 2009, pp. 155-174.

“Tvorennia suspil’noï normal’nosti v mediinomu dyskursi: kontseptualizatsiia ta ukraïns’ka spetsyfica” [The production of social normality in media discourse: the concept and Ukrainian particularity], Sotsiolohiia: teoriia, metody, marketynh, no. 2, 2009, pp. 185-201.

“Vnesok mediinoho dyskursu v pidtrymuvannia stsatus quo” [The media discourse contribution to the maintenance of status quo], in Natsional’na akademiia nauk Ukraïny, Instytut politychnykh i etnonatsional’nykh doslidzhen’, Naukovi zapysky, no. 40, Kyiv 2008, pp. 143-153.

“Zakordonnyi dosvid rozv’iazannia movnykh problem ta mozhlyvist’ ioho zastosuvannia v Ukraïni” [Foreign experience of resolving language problems and its applicability to Ukraine], in O. Mayboroda et al, eds., Movna sytuatsiia v Ukraini: mizh konfliktom i konsensusom [Language situation in Ukraine: Between conflict and consensus], Kyiv: Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2008, pp. 299-334.

“Movni ideolohiï v ukrains’komu mediinomu dyskursi” [Language ideologies in Ukrainian media discourse], in Natsional’na akademiia nauk Ukraïny, Instytut politychnykh i etnonatsional’nykh doslidzhen’, Naukovi zapysky, no. 33, Kyiv, 2007, pp. 321-338.

“Iazykovye ideologii v ukrainskom politicheskom i intellektual’nom diskursakh“ [Language ideologies in Ukrainian political and intellectual discourses], Otechestvennye zapiski, no. 1 (2007), pp. 296-316.

“Movna polityka Ukraïny pislia Pomaranchevoï revoliutsiï,” in Olena Sudakova (ed.), Ukraïna v poshukakh sebe: Natsional’na ideia ta problemy rozvytku [Ukrine in Search of Herself: National Idea and Development Problems], Kyiv: Vydavnychyi Dim “Kyevo-Mohylians’ka akademiia,” 2007, pp. 270-285.

“Dynamika etnokul’turnykh identyfikatsii hromadian Ukraïny za roky nezalezhnosti [Dynamics of the ethnocultural identifications of Ukrainian citizens for the independence years’,’ Dialohy,, December 2006.

“Rol’ mas-medii u pidtrymanni kompleksu vlady/znannia: dyskurs shchodo Vseukraïns’koho perepysu naselennia 2001 roku ta ioho rezul’tativ” [The role of the mass media in the sustaining of power/knowledge complex: the discourse on the Ukrainian census of 2001 and its results], in Natsional’na akademiia nauk Ukraïny, Instytut politychnykh i etnonatsional’nykh doslidzhen’, Naukovi zapysky, no. 27, Kyiv, 2005, pp. 139-171.

“Bezmovna identychnist’ u dyskusiinomu klubi [Language-free identity in a discussion club]” and “Apolohiia analizu dyskursu [An apology of discourse analysis],” Ukraïns’kyi humanitarnyi ohliad, 2005, pp. 146-165, 175-185.

“Mova pro movu: normalizatsiia ambivalentnosty” [Discourse on language: The normalization of ambivalence], pt. I, Krytyka, no. 5 (2004), pp. 19-24; pt. II, Ibid., no. 6 (2004), pp. 4-11.

“‘Tvorennia zdorovoho hluzdu’ v suchasnomu ukraïns’komu dyskursi z movno-ethnicnykh problem” [‘Construction of common sense’ in contemporary Ukrainian discourse on the problems of language and ethnicity], in Natsional’na akademiia nauk Ukraïny, Instytut politychnykh i etnonatsional’nykh doslidzhen’, Naukovi zapysky [Proceedings of the Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine], no. 24, Kyiv, 2003, pp. 218-241.

“Perepys dosiahnen’ natsiotvorennia [Census as measuring of the success of nation building]”, Krytyka, no. 1/2 (2003), pp. 6-10.

“Zovnishne vtruchannia u vnutrishni etnopolitychni konflikty: uchast’ Verkhovnoho komisara OBSE z pytan’ natsionalnykh menshyn u rozv’iazanni kryms’koï ta kryms’kotatars’koï problem [External involvement in internal ethnopolitical conflicts: The role of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in the resolution the Crimean and Crimean Tatar problems]”, in I.F. Kuras and O.M.Maiboroda (eds.), Natsional’na intehratsiia v polikul’turnomu suspil’stvi: Ukraïns’kyi dosvid 1991-2000 rokiv [National integration in a multicultural society: Ukrainian experience of 1991-2000], Kyiv: Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine], 2002, pp. 155-214.

“Ukraina, iaku nam obyraiut’ [The Ukraine they keep choosing for us]”, Krytyka, no. 5 (2002), pp. 4-11.

“Pravopysne bozhevillia [The orthography madness]”, Krytyka, no. 5 (2001), pp. 6-13.

“Aksiomy rossiisko-ukrainskoi ‘trezvosti’: popytka oproverzheniia [Axioms of the Russian-Ukrainian ‘sobriety’: An attempt at refuting]”, Rossiisko-ukrainskii biulleten’, no. 4 (2000), pp. 65-71.

“Shchyri ukraintsi ta ikhnii ‘othering’ [True Ukrainians and their ‘othering’]”, Krytyka, no. 12 (2000), pp. 28-31.

“P’iatyrichka (bez) mifiv [Five years of/without myths]”, Krytyka, No. 11, 1999, pp. 9-17.

“Osoba ta natsiia v Deklaratsii pryntsypiv UHS i pershii programi Narodnoho Rukhu Ukrainy [Individual and nation in the Ukrainian Helsinki Union’s Declaration of Principles and the first program of Popular Movement of Ukraine]”, in Natsional’na akademiia nauk Ukraïny, Instytut politychnykh i etnonatsional’nykh doslidzhen’, Naukovi zapysky [Proceedings of the Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine], no. 6, Kyiv, 1998, pp. 93-104.

“Pys’mennyts’ke vidrodzennia: ukraïns’ka derzhavna ideia v dyskursi ‘opozytsiï vseredyni rezhymu’ pershykh rokiv perebudovy [Writers’ Renaissanse: The Ukrainian State Idea in the Discourse of the “Opposition within the Regime” in the Early Years of Perestroika], Suchasnist, no. 1 (1998), pp. 54-79.

“Natsionalizmy v suchasnii Ukraïni [Nationalisms in contemporary Ukraine]”, Dukh i litera, no. 1-2, 1997, pp. 61-87.

“Ukraińske budowanie państwowości: zmiana lidera [Ukrainian State-Building: A Leader Shift], Eurazja, no. 1, 1995, pp. 105-110.

“Rozshyrennia NATO i pozytsiia Ukraïny [The NATO Expansion and Ukraine’s Stance”, Polityka i chas, no. 11, 1995, pp. 54-60.

“Konstytutsiinyi dohovir i problema podolannia tiahlosty [The Constitutional Treaty and the Problem of Overcoming Continuity]”, Suchasnist, no. 9, 1995, pp. 99-103.

“Nim powstanie naród v sensie politycznym [Before Creating a Nation in a Political Sence]”, Eurazja, no. 3-4, 1994, pp. 96-99.

“Totalitaryzm u tradytsiï ta suchasnosti Ukraïny [Totalitarianism in Ukraine’s Tradition and Contemporaneity]”, Filosofs’ka i sotsiolohichna dumka, no. 7-8, 1993, pp. 9-13.

“Novyi ukraïns’kyi natsionalizm: try poverkhy vertepu [New Ukrainian Nationalism: Three Storeys of a Building]”, Suchasnist, no. 3, 1993, pp. 150-167.

“Povtorennia pereidenoho. Ukraïns’ka revoliutsiia: 1917-1991 [Repeating the Past. The Ukrainian Revolution: 1917-1991]”, Suchasnist, no. 2, 1992, pp. 59-72.

Book reviews

Review of Understanding Ukrainian Politics, by Paul D’Anieri, in Harvard Ukrainian Studies, vol. 29, no. 1-4, 2007, pp. 521-523.

Review of Russia, Ukraine, and the Breakup of the Soviet Union, by Roman Szporluk, in Ukraïns’kyi humanitarnyi ohliad, no. 5, 2001.

Review of The Ukrainians: Unexpected Nation, by Andrew Wilson, in Harvard Ukrainian Studies, vol. XXIII, no. 3-4, 1999.

Review of Burden of Dreams: History and Identity in Post-Soviet Ukraine, by Catherine Wanner, in Ukraïns’kyi humanitarnyi ohliad, no. 3, 2000.

Review of Svoia mudrist’: Natsional’ni mifolohii ta ‘hromadians’ka relihiia v Ukraini [One’s Own Wisdom: National Mythologies and Civic Religions in Ukraine], by Oleksandr Hrytsenko, in Rossiisko-ukrainskii biulleten’, no. 5, 2000.

Review of Chornobyl’: Khroniky mainutnioho [Chornobyl: Chronicles of the Future], by Sviatlana Aliaksievich, in Krytyka, no. 8, 1998.

Conferences papers and lectures

“Media Discourse and Historical Memory,” Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, November 23, 2011.

“Internet and National Identity”, Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, November 22, 2011.

“War of Memories in the Ukrainian Media: Diversity of Identities, Political Confrontation, and Production Technologies,” conference on “Old Conflicts & the New Media: Commemorating the Socialist Experience Online,” Bergen University, Norway, September 1, 2011.

“Discrepancy between ethnocultural identity and language practice in Ukraine,” conference on “Historical Legacies of Communism,” Princeton University, April 21, 2011.

“Translation and Corpus Planning in Ukraine: Soviet Experiences and Post-Soviet Representations,” conference on “The Politics and Pragmatics of Translation in the USSR: The Daily Life of Language in a Multi-National Empire,” Columbia University, April 8, 2011.

“Latest Developments in Ukrainian Language Policy,” annual conference of the German Association for East European Studies, Berlin, March 24, 2011.

“Identity Politics in Post-Orange Ukraine: Away from the USSR and Back Again,” Ukrainicum summer school, Greifswald University, Germany, August 11, 2010.

“What is Russian in Ukraine? Arguments and Assumptions Regarding the Social Roles of the Language as Embodied in Focus Group Discourse,” conference on “The Russian Language beyond the Nation,” Edinburgh University, UK, April 1, 2010.

“Language Policy in Ukraine: Why People Think the Way They Do,” Annual Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities, Columbia University, April 25, 2009.

“Language Policy in Ukraine: What People Want the State to Do,” conference on “Empires and Nations,” Scinces-Po, Paris, July 4, 2008; Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, Stanford University, May 18, 2009.

“Language Policies and Language Attitudes in Ukraine after the Orange Revolution,” conference on “Language Policy in Ukraine,” National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, April 16, 2008; Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University, March 16, 2009.

“Minority Education in Ukraine: Combining Identity and Integration,” Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, December 15, 2008; Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University, March 17, 2009.

“Agenda-setting in Ukrainian Media Discourse,” Third Kuras Readings, Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, October 4, 2007.

“Ideologies of Language Use in Post-Soviet Ukrainian Media,” Annual Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities, Columbia University, March 24, 2006.

“Ukraine on the Eve of the Parliamentary Election: What Prospects for Orange Hopes?,” Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, Stanford University, March 17, 2006.

“Reconstructing Common Sense: Soviet Nationalities Policy and Post-Soviet Ukrainian Ideologies of Language and Ethnicity,” Institute for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies, University of California Berkeley, January 30, 2006.

“Ukrainian Language Policy under Yushchenko,” Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University, October 6, 2005; Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, February 27, 2006; Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Stockholm University, January 30, 2007.

“Language Ideologies and the Media in Post-Soviet Ukraine,” Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies, Stanford University, February 22, 2005; Workshop on Language Ideology and Change in Multilingual Communities, University of California San Diego, September 23, 2005; Harriman Institute, Columbia University, September 26, 2005; Seminar in East European History, University of Alberta, Canada, February 28, 2006.

“Language Politics in a Multilingual Society: Ukraine in Comparative Perspective,” Annual Franko Lecture, Chair of Ukrainian Studies, University of Ottawa, March 31, 2005; a revised version was presented at the conference on “Debating Language Policies in Canada and Europe,” University of Ottawa, April 2, 2005.

“Impact of the Media on Democratic Reform in post-Orange Revolution Ukraine,” Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Toronto, March 29, 2005.

“Common Sense and Normality in Ukrainian Discourses on Language and Ethnicity,” Department of Political Science, Lund University, Sweden, September 28, 2004.

“Normalization of Ambivalence: The “Centrist” Discourse and the Politics of Language and Ethnicity in Kuchma’s Ukraine,” Special Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities, Warsaw University, July 21, 2004.

“Ukraine’s Ambivalent Orientation: What the EU Should Do”, seminar on “EU’s Eastern Policy after Enlargement,” Finnish Institute for International Affairs, Helsinki, January 23, 2004.

“Ethnic and Linguistic Issues in Ukrainian Media Discourse,” conference on “Ethnopolitics in Ukraine,” Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, September 26, 2003.

“Stability as Normality: Language Policies and Language Discourses in Post-Soviet Ukraine,” conference on “Culture, Security and Political Development in the Borderlands of Europe: The Case of Ukraine and Belarus,” Lund University, Sweden, May 23, 2003.

“The Media, Common Sense and the Construction of Identity in Contemporary Ukraine,” Harriman Institute, Columbia University, November 14, 2002.

“External Involvement in Ukrainian Ethnopolitical Conflicts: The Role of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in the De-escalation of the Crimean Tatar Problem,” Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Toronto, November 1, 2002; Annual Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Pittsburgh, PA, November 22, 2002.

“Defining Nationhood: Politics of Language and Ethnicity in Post-Soviet Ukraine,” Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Washington, D.C., April 15, 2002.

“Constructing Common Sense: Ethnic and Linguistic Problems in Ukrainian Public Discourse,” Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University, November 26, 2001; a revised version was presented at an Annual Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities, Columbia University, April 13, 2002.

“Ideological Dimension of the Ukrainian Orthography Reform: Nationalism versus ‘Centrism’,” Shevchenko Scientific Society, New York, November 4, 2001.

“Social Integration vs. Human Rights: A New Perspective on the Post-Soviet Nation-Building in Ukraine,” Harriman Institute, Columbia University, November 1, 2001.
“Political emigration and labor settlement: construction of an émigré community in the media discourse of Ukrainian displaced persons in Germany and Austria, 1945-1950,” conference on “Assimilation – Diasporization – Representation: Historical Perspectives on Immigrants and Host Societies in Postwar Europe: Humboldt University, Berlin, October 26, 2000.

“The Role of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in De-escalating Minority Conflicts in Ukraine,” progress reports presented at the project workshops on “Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Involvement of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in Post-Communist States,” Cluj, Romania, June 24, 2000 and Skopje, Macedonia, March 18, 2001; talk delivered at Mannheim Center for European Social Research, Mannheim University, Germany, October 23, 2000.

“Minority Problems in Post-Soviet Ukraine,” project workshop on “Comparative Analysis of the Effectiveness of the Involvement of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities in Post-Communist States,” Institute for Peace Research and Security Studies, University of Hamburg, May 11, 1999.

“The Legacy of Brotherhood: The Impact of the Soviet Nationalities Policy on Post-Soviet Nation-Building in Ukraine,” conference on “Soviet and Post-Soviet Ukraine: A Century in Perspective, Yale University, April 24, 1999.

“Ukrainian Nationalism in Independent Ukraine,” Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, March 15, 1999; Harriman Institute, Columbia University, April 22, 1999; Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University, April 27, 1999; a revised version was presented at the conference on “National Identity in Post-Soviet Ukraine and Belarus,” University of Bordeaux, France, January 29, 2000.

“Nationalisms in Late and Post-Soviet Ukraine,” progress reports presented at the project workshops on “The ‘Second National Rebirth’. Nationalism, National Movements and Formation of Nation-States in the Late- and Post-Communist Society,” Mannheim, Germany, July 6, 1996; September 28, 1997; February 20, 1998; and Moscow, May 23, 1997.

“Language Rights, Social Integration and Cultural Dialogue,” conference on “The Dialogue of Ukrainian and Russian Cultures as a Factor of Interethnic Accord in Ukraine,” Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, October 25, 1996.

“The Search for Post-Soviet Identity in Ukraine and Russia and its Influence on the Relations between the Two States,” conference on “Peoples, Nations, Identities: The Russian-Ukrainian Encounter,” Columbia University, September 21, 1995.

“Three Levels of Ukrainian Nationalism,” Historical Seminar, Cologne University, Germany, April 23, 1993.


“Media discourse,” graduate lecture course, School of Journalism, University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, spring 2012.

“Identity politics in post-communist Europe,” graduate seminar, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, spring 2011.

“Identity politics in Eastern Europe,” graduate seminar, Department of Political Science, Stanford University, winter 2006.

“Discourse analysis in social sciences,” graduate lecture course, Department of Social Sciences and Social Technologies, University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, spring 2003 and spring 2004.

“Ukrainian politics and identity,” graduate seminar, School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, fall 2002.

“Comparative politics,” undergraduate lecture course, Department of Social Sciences and Social Technologies, University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, fall 2000.

Sarah Oates

Сара Оутс

sarah.oates [at]

Professor of political communication

  • Research and teach media and democratization; internet and political change; terrorism coverage; research methods; elections and political communication including in Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In-depth use of audience and opinion research to compare democratic/non-democratic states.
  • Extensive publications in field of comparative media and politics.
  • Principal/co-principal on grants worth more than $1 million.
  • Experienced in qualitative and quantitative research design, methods, and analysis (including public opinion surveys, focus-group research, content analysis, online content analysis).
  • Policy/academic interchange experience includes seven years with New Security Challenges program of the British Research Councils. Routinely discuss issues of communication and security with government, including Home Office and Cabinet Office. Founder and coordinator of academic network with Google UK. International consultancy experience includes work with British Foreign Office, European Commission, and Soros Foundation.
  • Research Assistant (1996-1998), Lecturer/Assistant Professor (1998-2005), Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor (2005-2008) in Politics at the University of Glasgow. Founder, MSc in Political Communication. Acting Associate Dean (Research) for the Faculty of Law, Business and Social Sciences, 2009.

BA (English) Yale University, 1985
MA (Political Science) Emory University, 1996
PhD (Political Science) Emory University, 1998

Research projects/grants

U.K Economic and Social Research Council
The Internet and Everyday Rights in Russia. October 2010-April 2013. Project to analyze whether the internet can champion the causes of citizens in non-democratic states. This project will study the role of the internet in political life in Russia through an analysis of how people seek to fulfil their ‘everyday’ human rights in gaining access to social services such as pensions and health care. The study uses five central elements to analyze the role of the internet in these efforts: content, community, catalyst, control, and co-optation. Grant RES-000-22-4159/£99,407. Principal investigator.

Civic Consumers or Commercial Citizens?: Social Scientists Working with Google UK to Better Understand Online Search Behaviour. May 2011-May 2012. Knowledge Transfer Small Grant ES/I030166/1. This knowledge exchange project brings together corporate and academic spheres of information technology through the fusion of the study of online search behaviour of consumers (Google UK) and online citizens (social scientists).  Via two workshops, the project summarises and presents to Google UK analysts relevant research in the social sciences on online search; explores possibilities with Google analysts on how search information can be used by social-science researchers via Google Analytics tools; defines collaboratively key societal challenges in understanding the role of search for citizen and consumer; and establishes an academic network to exchange information with Google UK.  After the first workshop in November 2011, agreement was reached the U.K. Research Councils to develop up to four projects of approximately £50,000 each to pilot joint projects on developing search tools for social-science analysis (a ‘sand-pit’ event to take place in Spring 2012).
Principal investigator.

Building a New Democracy?: Television, Citizens and Voting in Russia, February 2000-August 2001. Study included focus groups, survey research, coding of television news, and political advertising in 1999 and 2000 Russian elections. Grant R000223133/£40,000. Principal investigator.

New Security Challenges Program
Safer Spaces: Communication Design for Counter Terror, January 2008-October 2009. Project to study public reaction to counter-terrorism measures with scholars in range of disciplines at seven British universities. Created concept of Interactive Technology in Transport Situations (InSITE) and provided design brief for video-based interactive technology to increase crowd security in transport environments. Launched prototype for British government officials.  Joint project of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council/Arts and Humanities Research Council/Economic and Social Research Council Grant EP/F008503/1/£415,000. Co-investigator.

The Framing of Terrorist Threat in British Elections, April 2005-December 2006. Study of 2005 British elections to analyze role of terrorist threat for campaign and voters. Project included focus groups, party election broadcast analysis, news analysis of BBC and commercial television. Grant R228250048/£46,000. Principal investigator.

The Framing of Terrorist Threat in U.S. and Russian Elections, October 2003-October 2005. Study of Russian and U.S. elections to analyze role of terrorist threat in message creation and reaction. Study included focus groups, advertising analysis, television news analysis. Grant R223250028/£44,000. Principal investigator.

Additional grants/projects
International Potential, National Limits: Investigating the Role of the Russian Internet in Constraining the Social Agenda. British Academy Research Grant. This project seeks to better understand the dynamics of the online sphere through an analysis of internet content relating to access to health care in Russia. The research takes a novel approach to the study of online media and the political sphere by emphasizing the examination of a particular issue area rather than the analysis of specific online sites. April 2010-September 2011. £6,780. Principal investigator.
Media and Civil Society in the Newly Independent States, Leverhulme Research Fellowship, July 2003-July 2004. Project to collect, organize, and analyze archive of media monitoring data from the European Institute for the Media, Düsseldorf, Germany. £12,700. Principal investigator.

Additional Funding: Fulbright Award for dissertation fieldwork in Russia; International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) Dissertation Award; Research Award from the Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy, Harvard University; Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland.

Selected publications

Revolution Stalled: The Political Limits of the Internet in the Post-Soviet Sphere. Under contract to Digital Politics series at Oxford University Press for publication in 2012.

Terrorism, Elections, and Democracy: Political Campaigns in the United States, Great Britain, and Russia (with L.L. Kaid and M. Berry). 2009. New York: Palgrave Macmillan ISBN-13 978-0230613577

Introduction to Media and Politics. 2008. London: SAGE. ISBN-13 978-1412902625
First chapter translated into Spanish also appears as introduction in A. Rettberg and O. Rincón (eds.) 2011. Medios, Democracia Y Poder. Bogotá: Ediciones Uniandes.

Television, Democracy and Elections in Russia. 2006. London: RoutledgeCurzon. ISBN 0415381347

The Internet and Politics: Citizens, Voters and Activists (co-edited with D. Owen and R.K. Gibson). 2006. London: Routledge. ISBN 041534784X

Elections and Voters in Post-Communist Russia (co-edited with M. Wyman and S. White). London: Edward Elgar. 1998. ISBN 1858987431

Political Challengers or Political Outcasts?: Comparing Online Communication for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the British Liberal Democrats. Forthcoming 2012. Europe-Asia Studies (Manuscript accepted, copy edit completed, awaiting proofs).

Going Native: The Value in Reconceptualizing International Internet Service Providers as Domestic Media Outlets (2011). Philosophy & Technology 24 (4): 391409. DOI: 10.1007/s13347-011-0045-4

With Brooke Barnett, Laura Roselle and Amy Reynolds. 2008. Journalism & Terrorism Across the Atlantic: A Qualitative Content Analysis of CNN and BBC Coverage of 9/11 and 7/7.  Feedback 49:6: 29-43

Rhetoric in the Language of Real Estate Marketing (with G. Pryce). 2008. Housing Studies 23(2): 319-348.

The Neo-Soviet Model of the Media. 2007. Europe-Asia Studies 59(8): 1279-1297. 

Comparing the Politics of Fear: The Role of Terrorism News in Election Campaigns in Russia, the United States and Britain. 2006. International Relations 20(4): 425-437.
Framing Fear: Findings from a Study of Election News and Terrorist Threat in Russia. 2006. Europe-Asia Studies 58(2): 281-290.

Media Effects and the Russian Elections, 1999-2000 (with S. White and I. McAllister). 2005. The British Journal of Political Science 35(2): 191-208.

Politics and the Media in Postcommunist Russia (with S. White). 2003. Politics 23(1): 31-37.

The ‘Clash of Civilizations’ and Postcommunist Europe (with S. White and B. Miller). 2003. Comparative European Politics 1(2): 111-127.

Was It Russian Public Television That Won It? (with S. White and I. McAllister). 2002. The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 7(2): 17-33.

Religion and Political Action in Postcommunist Europe (with S. White, W.L. Miller, and Å. Grødeland). 2000. Political Studies 48(4): 681-705.

Russian Elections and TV News: Comparison of Campaign News on State-Controlled and Commercial Television Channels (with L. Roselle). 2000. The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 5(2): 30-51.

Eastern Publics and Western Enlargement (with S. White, C. Rontoyanni, and W. Miller). 2000. International Politics 37(3): 323-344.

Russia’s Parliamentary Elections: The Dirty Road to the Duma. 2000. Problems of Post-Communism 47(2): 30-51.

Party Platforms: Toward a Definition of the Russian Political Spectrum. 1998. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics 14(1-2): 79-97. Also appeared as a chapter in J. Löwenhardt (ed.) 1998. Party Politics in Post-Communist Russia. London: Frank Cass: 76-97. ISBN 0714644439

Parties and Voters in the 1995 Russian Parliamentary Elections (with S. White and M. Wyman). 1997. Europe-Asia Studies 49(5): 767-798.

Book chapters
Post-Soviet Political Communication. 2012 Forthcoming (in proofs). In H. Semetko and M. Scammell (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Political Communication: 461-471. ISBN-13 978-1847874399

Media and Political Communication (with G. McCormack). 2009. In S. White, R. Sakwa, and H. Hale (eds.) Developments in Russian Politics 7. Basingstoke: Palgrave. ISBN 978-0230224490

Election Coverage in the Russian Federation. 2008. In J. Strömbeck and L.L. Kaid (eds.) Handbook of Election Coverage Around the World. New York: SAGE: 355-367. ISBN 978-0805860375

A Spiral of Post-Soviet Cynicism: The First Decade of Political Advertising in Russia. 2006. In L.L. Kaid and C. Holtz-Bacha (eds.) Handbook of Political Advertising. London: SAGE: 309-324. ISBN 978-1412917957

The Internet, Civil Society and Democracy: A Comparative Perspective (with R.K. Gibson). 2005. In S. Oates, D. Owen, and R.K. Gibson (eds.) The Internet and Politics: Citizens, Voters and Activists. London: Routledge: 20-38. ISBN 041534784X

Where’s the Party?: Television and Political Image in Russia. 2005. In K. Voltmer (ed.) Mass Media and New Democracies. London: Routledge: 152-167. ISBN 0203328663

Media, Civil Society, and the Failure of the Fourth Estate in Russia. 2005. In A.B. Evans Jr., L.A. Henry, and L. McIntosh Sundstrom (eds.) Russian Civil Society: A Critical Assessment. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe Inc.: 57-72. ISBN 0765615215

Post-Soviet Political Style: Parties, Television and Voters. 2004. In G. Flikke (ed.) The Uncertainties of Putin’s Democracy. Oslo: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs: 109-128. ISBN 8270021008

Television, Voters, and the Development of the ‘Broadcast Party.’ 2003. In V.L. Hesli and W.M. Reisinger (eds.) The 1999-2000 Elections in Russia: Their Impact and Legacy. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Invited lectures and presentations
One Country, Two Audiences: Television and the Internet in Russia. Research presentation at the Higher School of Economics, St Petersburg, Russia, February 2012.

Web Diplomacy 2.0: Opportunities, Threats and Challenges in Exporting Democracy On Line. Paper presented at the 2011 International Affairs Conference on Democratisation and New Media, The Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, November 2011.

Roundtable participant, Reporting the Independence Referendum, Festival of Politics,
Scottish Parliament, Holyrood, Edinburgh, August 2011.

The Effect of Democratic Discourse in Non-Democratic States: Russian Political Parties On Line. Paper presented at the European Consortium for Political Research, Reykjavik, Iceland, August 2011.

Of Needles and Haystacks: Finding Political Activism in the Online Sphere in Russia. Research presentation at the Fourth Annual Research Forum for the Centre for Russian, Central and East European Studies, University of Glasgow, May 2011.

Back to the Future: Changing Research Design to Improve Methods and Measurements for Media Freedom Indicators. Paper presented at Measuring Press Freedom (co-sponsored by the American Political Science Association and the Annenberg Foundation), Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, November 2010.

From Parent to Protestor on the Post-Soviet Internet: Locating and Evaluating Political Web Spaces for Families of Children with Genetic Disabilities in Russia. Paper presented at the Political Communication Section Pre-Conference, American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., September 2010.

Political Party Websites as Mirror or Prism: Comparing Russian Communists and British Liberal-Democrats in the Online Sphere. Paper presented at the New Media in New Europe-Asia Workshop at the University of Birmingham, sponsored by the Centre for East European Language-Based Studies (University College London, University of Oxford, and University of Birmingham). Birmingham, March 2010.

From Political ‘Surf’ to Political ‘Turf’?: Developing Website Analysis to Better Understand the Internet as a Political Catalyst. Presented at the 6th Annual Pre-Conference on Political Communication at the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Boston, August 2008.

Comrades Online?: How the Russian Case Challenges the Democratising Potential of the Internet. Presented at Politics: Web 2.0 International Conference, Royal Holloway, University of London, April 2008.

The Russian Internet: Formed More by International or National Media Norms? Post-Soviet Media Research Methodology Workshop, Centre for Russian and East European Studies, University of Birmingham, March 2008.

Media and Public Policy: Does the Nation Control Television or Television Control the Nation?, Scottish Policy Innovation Forum, Glasgow, September 2007.

Journalism & Terrorism Across the Atlantic: A Qualitative Content Analysis of CNN and BBC Coverage of 9/11 and 7/7 (with B. Barnett, A. Reynolds, and L. Roselle). Presented at the Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., August 2007. 

Putin and the Neo-Soviet Model of the Media. St Antony’s College Oxford, Russian and Eurasian Studies Centre Seminar, October 2007.

Comparative Aspects of Terrorism Coverage: Television and Voters in the 2004 U.S. and 2005 British Elections (with A. Williams). Presented at the Political Communication Section Pre-Conference of the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, September 2006.

Through A Lens Darkly?: Russian Television and Terrorism Coverage in Comparative Perspective. Presented at the Mass Media in Post-Soviet Russia International Conference, University of Surrey, United Kingdom, May 2006.

Citizen or Comrade?: Terrorist Threat in Election Campaigns in Russia and the U.S. (with M. Postelnicu). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., September 2005.

Post-Soviet Political Style: Parties, Television and Voters. Presented at the Centre for Russian Studies at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs Conference on Putin, Oslo, Norway, January 2004.

The Mass Media, Elections, and the Failure of Democracy in Russia. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, September 2004.

Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail: The Role of Terrorist Threat in Russian Election Campaigns. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, September 2004.

From the Archives of the European Institute for the Media: Analysing the Results of a Decade of Monitoring of Post-Soviet Elections. Presented at the British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies Conference, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, England, April 2004.

Beacon for Democracy or Tool for Oppression? Fitting the Internet into Political Communication Models in Non-Free States. Presented at the Changing Media and Civil Society Workshop, European Consortium for Political Research, Edinburgh, March 2003.

“No Better Heroes”: Political Images, Elections and Russian Viewers. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, September 2002.

“You Watch in Pain”: What Russians Dislike About Their Television Programming. Presented at the Russian Politics Under Putin Conference, Centre for European Political Research, University of Dundee, Scotland, May 2002.

Tuning Out Democracy: Television, Voters and Parties in Russia, 1993-2000. Presented at the Political Communication, Mass Media and Consolidation of New Democracies Workshop, European Consortium of Political Research, Turin, Italy, March 2002.

The Advent of the ‘Broadcast Party’: Parties, Voters and Television in Russia, 1993-1999. Presented at the Political Studies Association Annual Meeting, London School of Economics, April 2000.

Policy and academic outreach

  • Lead Consultant, Internet Futures Team, InterMedia, Washington D.C. Work with consultancy firm with focus on role of media, information, and communication in developing countries, conflict areas, fragile states, and countries in transition to further develop internet analysis tools. InterMedia clients include the World Bank, USAID, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the U.S. Department of State and the BBC World Service. January 2011 to present. Founder and coordinator, Google UK Forum and Google Academic Network in United Kingdom. Brings together scholars from wide range of British institutions with analysts at Google for exchange of ideas and research practice. See
  • Participant, New Security Challenges program of the Research Councils of the United Kingdom, 2003-2010. Contribute to workshops on role of communication in security for British government agencies, including Home Office and Cabinet Office.
  • Participant, Pontignano Conference, Rome, Italy. Joint discussions and workshops between British and Italian policy-makers and academics, sponsored by the British Council, September 2011.
  • Member of ACE Practitioners’ Network, ACE Electoral Knowledge Network. International organization to promote credible, transparent electoral process (see
  • Media monitor/report co-author, The European Institute for the Media, Düsseldorf. Member of expert teams funded by European Commission to analyze media in Russian Duma elections and Kazakhstan presidential elections, 1999.
  • Participant and group rapporteur, UK-Russian Security Policy Seminars, Institute of Europe at the Russian Academy of Sciences. Sponsored by the British Foreign Office and the Centre for Studies in Security and Diplomacy, University of Birmingham. Moscow, November 2007 and November 2009.
  • Designed and delivered political communication course to 25 young academics from former Soviet sphere in Open Society Program on media literacy, a joint project of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and Towson University. Kyiv, Ukraine, July 2006. Funded by the Soros Foundation.
  • BBC Scotland News and Current Affairs Review Panel, 2003.

Academic activities/affiliations

  • Member, British Economic and Social Research Council Virtual College, October 2008-September 2011. One of seven political scientists in Britain to serve as central reviewer on grants to the council, the funding agency for social-science research in the United Kingdom.  Also consulted on research council policy.
  • Grant reviewer, Research Grants Council of Hong Kong, 2010.
  • External Reviewer, Staff Research Profiling Exercise, Manchester University, 2009.
  • External Examiner, MSc in International Political Communication, Advocacy and Campaigning, Kingston University (London), August 2008-August 2012. External PhD examiner at Leeds University (2009), University College London, Goldsmiths (2010).
  • Board Member, International Journal of Press/Politics, 2008-present; Europe-Asia Studies, 2001-present.
  • Manuscript reviewer: Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Duke University Press, Manchester University Press, Routledge, Palgrave/Macmillan.
  • Review submissions for journals including Political Communication, The International Journal of Press/Politics, American Journal of Political Science, Europe-Asia Studies, Journal of Politics, The British Journal of Political Science, Journal of Communist and Post-Communist Studies, The European Journal of Political Research, Politic, New Media & Society, Philosophy & Technology, Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism.
  • Book reviews published in The American Political Science Review, Democratization, Europe-Asia Studies, Slavonic and East European Review, Russian Review.
  • Member, Political Communication Section, American Political Science Association, prize committee member 2008 and 2010.
  • Member, Committee of the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) 2010 Conference.
  • Member, Society of Authors (United Kingdom). 
  • Reviewer, Scottish Universities Insight Institute, 2009-2010

Journalism experience
Reporter and copy editor, Orlando Sentinel, 1986-1992. Internships at The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Miami Herald, Los Angeles Times (D.C. Bureau), Syracuse Herald-Journal. Yale campus correspondent for The New York Times. Editor-in-chief, Yale Daily News. Currently freelance political commentator/analyst for BBC Radio Scotland.

Russian (fluent), some French, Latin, and Spanish

DMU: About the program


Rinat Akhmetov Foundation for Development of Ukraine and the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy are pleased to announce the launch of the 2nd year of the Digital Media for Universities Project.

During 2012-2013 academic year ten faculty members from five selected Ukrainian universities will be trained in curriculum development and teaching digital media to their students. As an outcome of the Program digital media courses will be introduced to the curriculum of universities in Lviv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Mariupol and Chernivtsi starting in the 2012 academic year. This is a second yar fo this joint Project. The first wave included Universities from Kyiv, Lviv, Zaporizhya, Simferopol and Cherkasy.

Please join us for the inauguration of the Project and the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between Rinat Akhmetov Foundation for Development of Ukraine, the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and participating universities on October 9, 2012, 10AM at DFJ Media Center (NaUKMA, 8/5 Skovorody str., building 4, Kyiv). The opening ceremony will be followed by a networking reception.

Oleksandr Vlasenko
Director of Education,
Rinat Akhmetov Foundation for Development of Ukraine

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation for Development of Ukraine and the Mohyla School of Journalism at National University of “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” are pleased to announce the opening of the new project “DMU – Digital Media for Universities”

During 2011-2014 academic years faculty members from Ukrainian universities will be trained in curriculum development and teaching digital media to their students.

As an outcome of the Program digital media courses will be introduced to the curriculum of universities starting in the 2012 academic year.

For the first year of the Program faculty from five Universities in Kyiv, Lviv, Zaporizhya, Simferopol and Cherkasy were selected.

Daria Taradai

Daria Taradai
Senior Teaching Fellow


phone: +(38) 066-779-84-38

E-mail: [email protected]

Skype: darijcka


2002 – 2006 National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” (NaUKMA), Department of Social Sciences and Social Technologies, Bachelor Degree in Political Science

2006 – 2008 National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” (NaUKMA), Master Degree in Journalism

2008 Doctoral School of NaUKMA, PhD-Program “Mass Communications” (English language program)

2010 Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), Department of Communication, PhD-program


2002 – 2004 Participant of the Project “School of Young Politician”

2004, July Summer University in Moldova, Vadul-lui-Voda, “Values of Christian Democrats”

2004, December Study Tours to Poland, Wroclaw

2005, July The participant of the International Conference “EU-Ukraine: perspectives of cooperation”, Krakow, Poland

2006, July Participant of The Visby Program Summer University, Sweden

2007, July European Journalism Institute, Prague, Czech Republic

2009, May International Scientific Conference “War and Peace Journalism”, Georgia, Tbilisi, topic of the report: “TV News Coverage of the 2008 South Ossetia war in Ukraine”

2009, May – June Internship in the Northwestern University (USA, Chicago), participation in the ICA conference

2009, September Participation in the II part of the MediaNext Program “New Media Communication”

2009, October Research trip to the University of Tartu, Estonia

2009, December Participation in the CRC session at the CEU, Budapest, Hungary

2010, April Participant of the Assembly of the World Movement for Democracy (Indonesia), Global winner of the international essay contest

2010, April International scientific conference “Science and Higher Education”, Zaporizhzhia

2010, May International scientific conference “World Standards of Modern Journalism”, Cherkassy

2010, July Workshop of the International Centre of Non-violent Conflict, Istanbul, Turkey

2010, October Conference “Public Service Broadcasting. A German-Ukrainian Exchange of Opinions”, Institute for Broadcasting Economics, Cologne, Germany

2010, November NCA conference in San Francisco, USA.



2005, January – September Internship in the Special Commission Ukraine – NATO of Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian Parliament)

2005 – September 2007 Editor, News Agency “Ukrainian News”

2007, September – 2007, December Reporter, News Agency “Ukrainian News”

2007 – till now Freelancer-interpreter (English)

2007, December – 2010, February Journalist in the department of international news, “5 channel”

2008, January – till now   Lecturer at the Mohyla School of Journalism, NaUKMA

2010, April – 2011, July    Correspondent/multimedia producer at the Ukrainian Section of BBC

2011, July – till now Senior Producer at the Ukrainian Section of BBC


2009 – Global winner of the Essay Contest of the World Youth Movement for Democracy (

2010-2012 – Member of the Leadership Board of the World Youth Movement for Democracy (representative of Europe and Eurasia)


Ukrainian, Russian, English – fluent
French – upper-intermediate (DELF B2)

Anastasia Grynko

Anastasia Grynko e-mail: agrynko [at]

Office 401-9, Build. 4, 8/5 Volos’ka Vul., Kyiv, 04070, Ukraine

AnastasiiaGrynko is a Deputy director for research and senior teaching fellow at the Mohyla School of Journalism (the courses “Media Ethics” and “Methodology of media research”). At the moment she is working on her Ph.D. dissertation on media transparency and media ethics in Ukraine (at the Autonomous University of Barcelona) and has several articles published in international journals.

Her academic and research interests include media ethics and transparency, journalism education, media development in Ukraine and other Post-Soviet countries, media and gender issues, media and civil society, media relations, public relations, strategic communication, interpretative studies, qualitative methodology in media studies.

Besides, academic career, Grynko has practical experience in the field of journalism, Public Relations, strategic communication and applied communication research. She has worked at the international Public Relations agency (PRP Ukraine) and directed strategic communication department at the Open Society Institute in Ukraine.

Recent publications:

Book review:

Upcoming (accepted) publication:

  • Grynko, A. (2012). Ukrainian journalists’ perceptions of unethical practices: codes and every-day ethics. Central European Journal of Communication (Vol 5, No 2 (9), Fall 2012.

Competitive conference papers:

  • “Understanding of Media Opacity in Ukraine”. Competitive paper presented at the National Communication Association annual convention, San Francisco, November 2010.
  • “From State Censorship to Pressure of Money: New Challenges for Media Transparency in Ukraine”. Conference “Public Service Broadcasting: A German-Ukrainian Exchange of Opinions.” Cologne, Germany, October, 2010.
  • “Responsible journalism and media transparency in Ukraine: developing the interpretative approach to media practices”. Competitive paper presented on International symposium of doctoral studies, Toronto, Canada, January 2010.
  • “Media transparency in Ukraine: Evidence from Editors and Journalists”. Competitive paper presented at the National Communication Association Convention,Chicago, USA, November 2009.
  • “An exploratory study of media transparency in Ukraine”. Competitive paper presented on Annual Conference of Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, USA, August 2008.
  • “Women in Media. International Perspectives”. Invited speaker on panel, International Communication Association conference, Singapore, 2010.
  • “Matters of media ethics: Understanding media nontransparency through individual approach to journalistic ethical decision-making”. Competitive paper presented at the International Communication Association conference, Singapore, 2010.
  • “Media practices in Ukraine and around the world”. Competitive paper invited for presentation at XVІІI International young scholars’ conference “SCIENCE AND HIGH EDUCATION”, Zaporrizzhya, Ukraine, April 2010.
  • “Journalism ethics: from theoretical principles to real-practice decisions (Mohyla School of Journalism experience). Competitive paper invited for presentation at the International scholarly and practical conference “World Standards of contemporary journalism”.

Articles in Progress:

  • Conceptualizing Transparency in Media: Commitments to Content, Motives and Tools for “Visible” Journalism
  • Challenges For Media Digitalization and Convergence: The Case of Ukraine
  • Understanding Media Non-transparency through Individual Approach to Journalistic Ethical Decision-Making
  • “Helpless and manipulated”: how journalists construct their roles and identities in Ukraine
  • Is the voice of independent journalism silent in the newly governed Ukraine? How the latest developments in business and politics influence the Ukrainian media sphere

Teaching experience:

  • From 2007 – Assistant Professor at the Master Program in Journalism, the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. Co-teacher of the course “Methodology of media studies”, 2nd year Master students.
  • From 2009 – teach the course “Media ethics”, 1st year Master students.
  • From 2010 – co-teacher of the Course for doctoral student “Introduction to Research”, the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

Research experience:

  • 2011 – involved into a global study of media practices initiated by Internews, The World Bank, the Brookings Institution and sponsored by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • 2009- 2011 – communication consultant, researcher for RinatAhmetov Foundation “Development of Ukraine” (“RozvytokUkrainy”). Media and reputation audits, media studies, studies in the field of health communication, new media research.
  • 2009 – researcher, collected data from Ukraine for the Global Report on the Status of Women in News.
  • 2009 – conducted a study of Parliament communication in Ukraine (initiated by Reuters Foundation).
  • From 2006 – participate in global media transparency research (International PR Association); collect data and elaborate methodology, contributing to international research and discussion on media ethics, media transparency and media opacity.

Professional experience

  • 2008 - 2010 – International Renaissance Foundation (Open Society Institute network), Public Relations manager, responsible for Public Relations and Strategic Communications.
  • 2007 June - 2008 April – senior account executive at the PRP Ukraine, international PR Agency (specialist in Public Relations and communication research, analyst).
  • 2006 October - 2007 June – Synovate Ukraine (international market research agency). Qualitative research executive: marketing research projects coordination, research planning, screeners and guide preparation, in-depth interviews and focus-groups moderation, data analysis, debriefs`, top-lines` and final reports` preparation.
  • 2006 - 2007 – coordination and administration of media trainings and educational programs in J-school.
  • 2005 July - 2006 January – Ukrainian Harm Reduce Association (non-government association), communication officer.
  • 2005 - 2008 – journalist, free-lancer, magazines “Dobra Volya” (social, civil society topics), “Companion” (business, marketing and public relations topics).

Education and Academic Experience

  • From 2010 – PhD-candidate, Autonomous University of Barcelona. Dissertation: Media transparency through journalist interpretation: research in Ukraine.
  • From 2008 – PhD-candidate in Mass Communication, the National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”. Awarded with Turchin Scholarship, Scholarship of Lozynskiy Foundation.
  • 2005 - 2007 – Master’s Program in Journalism, National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy” (Kyiv-Mohyla School of Journalism), graduated with honors. Thesis: “Bribery for news coverage: research in Ukraine”
  • 2006 January – awarded with state grant of Vyacheslav Chornovil (as the best student of journalism departments in Ukraine),
  • 2001 - 2005 – National University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”, Faculty of Social Sciences and Social Technologies, Bachelor Program of Sociology, Social Work, graduated with honors.

Mykola Kovalchuk

Mykola Kovalchuk
Senior Teaching Fellow


[email protected]

(067) 272 39 38

(044) 236 70 80

Graduated from the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.

Faculty of Humanities, NaUKMA (2006–2008)
Theory, History of Literature and Comparative Literature (MA)

The fourth interactive session of Ukrainian Association of Public Relations (2007)
«New Technologies in PR: If you do not exist on Internet, you do not really exist»

Department of Literature and Foreign Languages, NaUKMA (2004)
Certificate program of translation (English)

Faculty of Humanities, NaUKMA
Philology (Literature and Linguistics) (BA)

Six years experience with publishing and typography as an editor, interpreter and designer.
Also worked with logos and corporative identities, website projects, wrote and translated texts of different style and size.

Smoloskyp Publishing House (2005–2011)
Books, newspapers and corporative publications design

Fact Publishing House (2009–2010)
Kyivska Rus magazine make-up, books and covers design

Visual Culture Research Centre, NaUKMA (2009–2010)
Commons magazine design, lectures in typography and visual communicaion

NaUKMA Public Relations Department (2006–2009)
Content-management of NaUKMA official website, corporative materials design

Proficient knowledge of Ukrainian and Russian. Good skilled in writing, editing, typographic correction and translation into Ukrainian, English and Russian.
Basic knowledge of French and German.

Good skills and knowledge in theory and history of typography and typeface design.
Delivered lectures and master-classes on text design and letterforms history.

Adobe Creative Suite 4 Design Standard Ukrainian private license owner,
so InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat are my usual tools.

Worked with Quark and Corel Graphics Suite creative tools.
Experienced user of Windows and MacOS X.


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